Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2001;41(3):447-451.
Early rehabilitation treatment helpful in a case of pectus excavatum of a dog
Dongwoo Chang, Miyoung Ahn, Jekyung Seong
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, Yonsei Cardiovascular Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine
개에서 발생한 누두흉의 초기 재활치료의 효과
장동우, 안미영, 성제경
연세대학교 의과대학 실험동물부 심혈관센터
A 6-week-old female cocker spaniel, with a history of abasia astasia, was referred to the Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine on February 23, 2000. The ribs inclined downwards with a sharp slope on both lateral sides of the thorax. The animal was diagnosed as pectus excavatum. She showed no signs of dyspnea, dyschezia, or dysuria. There was no heart murmur or sign of neural disease. For rehabilitation treatment, she was given physical exercise therapy 2 to 3 times a day by bending and stretching each articulation of the hind limbs and pressing the costochondral junction in and upward with both hands placed on each lateral side. After a month of therapy, she was able to stand up and walk. The therapy continued and resulted in the slight reformation of a round thoracic wall. The flattened rib cartilages grew more round by palpation and the thoracic cavity distended. Rehabilitation therapy yielded good results, enabling the subject to walk and run normally, as the thoracic cavity was distended by the rounded rib junction.
Key Words: pectus excavatum, dog, rehabilitation
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